Unit Code Definitions

Note: The unit refers to the bargaining unit (union) with which the Board of Education negotiates.  Detailed descriptions can be found on page 23 of the Employee Handbook.

Number Unit Code Unit Code Description
Unit Code Unit Code Description

Pay Code Definitions

Note: There are 72 different pay codes, of which salary schedule position is only one.  For some of the details, see the many negotiating agreements with the various bargaining units.

Number Pay Code Pay Code Description
Pay Code Pay Code Description

Salary Schedule Definitions

Note: The horizontal lane on the salary schedule is referred to as the “grade.”

Number Grade Grade Definition
Grade Grade Definition

Which Salary Schedule Applies

Note: there are different salary schedules depending on the number of days in the work year.

Number Work Cycle Code Work Cycle Code Description
Work Cycle Code Work Cycle Code Description

Types of Leave

Note: Most of these are paid leave but for teachers only two types can be converted into an enhance pension benefit: sick and annual leave.  Some accumulations of leave are eligible for cash payment upon resignation or retirement (separation pay).  Most employees who have met a 15-year service requirement are also eligible to receive payment for accumulated sick leave at a daily rate (e.g., professional support employees receive $40 per day for accumulated sick leave).  Unfortunately, descriptions of accumulations differ from negotiating unit to negotiating unit, are not always clear, and in some cases are not monitored by AACPS administrators.  Source: Anne Arundel County Public Schools Internal Audit Report, July 13, 2005.

Number Types of Paid Leave Can be converted into a pension benefit?
Types of Paid Leave Can be converted into a pension benefit?