“[P]eople everywhere deserve a government that supports an open marketplace of ideas, transparent and accountable governance, equal treatment under the law, and the ability to exercise their rights without fear of retribution.”
–Mark Toner, Spokesperson, U.S. State Department, March 26, 2017
States with Good K12 Compensation Disclosure
Note the benefit as well as salary individual level data.
New York
Note the statistics for salaries as the 5%, 25%, 50% (median), 75%, and 95% percentiles.
SEC Disclosure
Lightner, Renee, and Theo Francis, How Much Do Top CEOs Make? Compensation for the chief executives of companies listed in the S&P 500 index, Wall Street Journal, March 17, 2017.
Note that if you click on a particular CEO, you can see his/her detailed compensation components.
A Website with High Quality Government Data Visualizations
Anne Arundel County Public Schools (AACPS)
Current Employees
- Salary Scales–All Units
- Healthcare Rates–FY2016
- Benefits–All Units
- Benefits–Unit 1–191-day/year
- Benefits–Unit 1–193-day/year and 195-day/year (e.g., department heads)
- Employee Discounts for Products & Services (e.g., smartphone service)
- Retiree Healthcare Costs
- Unit 1 (teachers) Master Negotiated Contract for FY2014 and FY2015 (excludes unpublished side agreements)
- Unit 1 (teachers) Master Negotiated Contract for FY2016 (excludes unpublished side agreements)
- FY2017 Operating Budget by section, FY2017 Operating Budget full document (In the past, some compensation data that the Board of Education receives gets cut from the version published online.)
- Retiree Healthcare Benefits (general information)
- Retiree Healthcare Costs
Maryland State Department of Education
Maryland’s P12 Dashboards, MSDE.
Fact Book
Maryland Teacher Staffing Report
- Maryland Teacher Staffing Report–2016-2018, MSDE, Sept. 2016.
- Maryland Teacher Staffing Report–2014-16, MSDE, Oct. 2014.
Salary Specific
- Professional Salary Schedules Maryland Public Schools 2015-2016, MSDE, Oct. 2015.
- Professional Salary Schedules Maryland Public Schools 2014-2015, MSDE, Oct. 2014.
- Analysis of Professional Salaries Maryland Public Schools, MSDE, Oct. 2015.
- Teacher Induction, Retention, and Advancement Act of 2016 Update, MSDE, Oct. 25, 2016.
- Teacher Attrition by Years of Experience. MSDE data published online. Last accessed Feb. 10, 2017.
Maryland Association of Counties
Report of County Employees Salaries, Health Benefits & Pensions, FY2015 (this is a very poor report, but it is better than nothing; for county health benefits, see p. 148; for county pensions, see p. 175).
Maryland General Assembly
2016 Interim Report, Joint Committee on Pensions, December 2016.
Private Investigator Blog (links to miscellaneous Maryland public salary databases)
How Strong are U.S. Teacher Unions? A State-By-State Comparison, Thomas B. Fordham Institute, October 2012. (Maryland described on pp. 181-186; it ranks 4th in union influence over compensation and work conditions more generally.)
United States Government
Posey, Kirby, Household Income: 2015, U.S. Census Bureau, September 2016.
Washington-Arlington-Alexandria District of Columbia Household Income 2015, Department of Numbers, accessed March 10, 2017.
Maryland, Department of Numbers, accessed March 10, 2017.
Local Newspapers’ Use and Citation of Compensation Statistics
Huang, Cindy, Hogan appoints Gilleland, Sasso to school board, Capital, February 7, 2016. “We need to get more competitive,” he said, adding that teacher salaries in other counties are higher than those in Anne Arundel County.”
Yeager, Amanda, Schuh says he’ll work to raise public employee salaries, Capital, January 20, 2016. “Schuh has argued that the public school system’s $65,000 average salary for teachers is on par with the state’s average, and that teachers have seen a 20 percent raise since 2008, when cost-of-living and step increases are considered. “We’re about average,” he said, repeating the teacher salary statistic, “but we’re not an average county.” He added he “would love to see… higher” teacher pay.””
Smart Money: What teachers make, how long it takes and what it buys them, National Council on Teacher Quality, December 5, 2015. The methodology here is based on salary ladders, not actual salaries.
Letter to the Editor: Disrespect for Teachers, Capital, November 25, 2015. With an income as high as our county has, there is no excuse for not increasing teacher salaries in accord with the mandated workload increase.
Benfer, Richard, Guest column: Schools starved of funds for too long, Capital, November 12, 2015. “The years of underfunding have come to a boiling point. Educators are leaving at alarming rates to either go to other systems or leave the profession altogether. Much fuss is made about educators’ other benefits and how good they are. This is very true, but this does not compensate for the persistent growth in the salary gap between the Anne Arundel County Public Schools and neighboring districts.”
Letter to the Editor: Teacher Salaries, Capital, Nov. 2, 2015. “Dear Mr. Schuh: You have responded to the concerns of your constituents, asserting that teachers are already sufficiently well paid. You cite the fact that teachers earn, on average, $65,000, while the average county resident earns $61,000…. As with many statistics, those you’re citing make a spurious association, comparing teacher salaries to the county average. The county average, naturally, includes part-time workers as well as workers whose jobs require only limited education.”
Huang, Cindy, Students advocate for teacher salaries, Capital, November 1, 2015. “Many of the responses included sections written by Schuh’s education liaison, Amalie Brandenburg, who repeatedly conveyed the county executive’s stance that the county’s average teacher salary of $65,000 is equal to the state average.”
Huang, Cindy, Parent starts Facebook page advocating for higher teacher salaries, Capital, October 28, 2015. “A parent of public school students started a Facebook group last week to advocate for higher salaries for teachers and encourage parents to lobby elected officials to support the cause. Amanda Fiedler, an Arnold resident, said she formed the group “Parents Rallying Officials For Increased Teacher Salaries” (P.R.O.F.I.T.S) after attending a school board meeting…. “Tell them why we need to protect our teachers by giving them the pay they deserve!” she wrote.”
Editorial: Our say: Balance of power for county schools shifting, Capital, October 25, 2015. “The current median salary for a teacher is about $62,000.”
Huang, Cindy, Teachers continue protesting for higher wages, Capital, October 20, 2015. “The starting salary for county teachers in the last school year was $44,991….”
Editorial: Our Say: Time for a new bargaining strategy, Capital, October 18, 2015. “TAAAC is just doing what unions do: getting the best deal possible for its members. And that has paid off for teachers, the $62,067 median teachers salary in this county is a fair deal.”
Pegher, Kelcie, ‘Behind the Billion’: Teachers lag in salary increases, Capital, February 16, 2015, “A beginning teacher in the county with just a Bachelor’s degree and certificate to teach earns $44,991.”
Pegher, Kelcie, National survey: County teachers highly paid, Capital, December 24, 2014. “In Anne Arundel County, a teacher can earn $2 million over the course of a 30-year career.” This suggests that the highest average salary for a teacher who sticks around until they reach the pension cliff is less than $70,000. This is manifestly incorrect.
Benfer, Richard, Teacher flight is real, and we need to address it, Capital, June 28, 2014. “If one compares the money spent on education to the income and property values in the county, we spend the least of any surrounding county. And it shows – average educator salaries in Anne Arundel County have dropped by $3,244 over the past five years. Neighboring localities have average salaries that are anywhere from $3,000 to $12,000 higher than ours. Our best educators are leaving the county, and new teachers are being attracted to neighboring counties.”