
Legal notice system is wasteful and obsolete

The Maryland-DC-Delaware Press Association executive director’s op-ed attacking House Bill 1258 (“Preserving local journalism: Why governor must veto HB1258,” April 22), which sought to reduce multi-million-dollar government subsidies to local newspapers...

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Maryland’s take-no-prisoners newspaper lobby

By J.H. Snider The writer is the president of and author of Speak Softly and Carry A Big Stick: How Local TV Broadcasters Exert Political Power. He is also a former fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School’s Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public...

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House Bill 1258 op-ed was misleading

The Maryland Press Association’s April 23 op-ed attacking House Bill 1258, which seeks to reduce multi-million-dollar government subsidies to local newspapers with substantial monopoly power, was highly misleading. The government mandates that both private businesses...

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Why I withdrew from PIA Ombudsman mediation

Addendum: When I filed this complaint, I did not know that the Public Information Act ombudsman had implemented a new policy in late summer 2017 requiring that anybody filing a complaint with her office sign a confidentiality agreement concerning her mediation.  I had...

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Hogan upholds rigged election system

Gov. Larry Hogan has appointed the 2016-17 school year student member of our school board. The student member, who has the same voting rights as the adult members, was nominated by a countywide student council delegated with that task by the General Assembly. The...

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SMOB Nominating Commission Members: FY2012-FY2016

Introductory Note The new election rules for the SMOB nominating commission (called an "interview panel" by CRASC and AACPS leadership) were first implemented in FY2015. No record of the passage of the new election rules is provided on the CRASC website, and in...

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J.H. Snider