[CRASC is the student leadership body that appoints the student member of the Board of Education and lobbies on behalf of the students’ interest.]
Capital News Article
Jedra, Christina, County education adviser fields questions at student general assembly, Capital, November 18, 2015.
J.H. Snider Comment on Capital News Article
The tragic part of CRASC, the part that makes you think it is embedded in an authoritarian culture such as Russia, is the way it has come to stamp out internal dissent. AACPS superintendents and boards of education once tolerated a certain amount of youthful disagreement with AACPS staff policies, but those days are gone. You can get a pretty good sense of it by listening to how aspiring CRASC leaders speak in public. For understanding how this can happen, observe the interactions between AACPS staff and aspiring CRASC leaders depicted in AACPS Thumbs Its Nose on Maryland’s Vague and Meaningless Ban on Using Government Resources for Political Activity.